Thursday, October 9, 2014

Seasons of Change

We have had some sad news recently.  My father-in-law Leonard Rood has passed away.  He was a remarkable man and a hard worker.  He loved his beautiful wife Ruth, his sons and their families, his sister Eleanor and her family and cousins. Len had a keen mind for invention.  He could see and imagine things others could not and was gifted with the extra special talent to create them.  His  genius can be seen among his family in the qualities of his children and grandchildren.  You might imagine that Len was able to take this gift and live like a king. Some days were better than others as we all experience.  Overall, I believed he was happy, especially during the middle years when he found the love of his life in Ruth and they both had all the world ahead of them.

 Last January, my husband Mark, the kids and I went to Florida to spend time with Len before we went on a vacation.  We took Grandpa Len out for lunch with cousins and my daughters played piano and sang for anyone listening at the retirement home where he was living at that time.  It was such a lovely moment for everyone and the one I will remember most when thinking of his his last months.

Every ending has a beginning....

In the early married days, both Len and Ruth worked hard.  Ruth as a teacher and Len as chemical engineer. To raise their family, often moving up to ten times for work or to get better care for a sick child life challenges came at them and were handled to the best of their ability. Both Ruth and Len came from hard working middle class families. Education was important and we heard Len was working on a PhD in Engineering when the Korean War interrupted his life and the lives of his generation.  Len once told us that he wanted to be a doctor and go to medical school but admission limitations toward Jews prevented that dream. His children and grandchildren are making up for that and he was proud of them. His duties during the Korean War was to use his knowledge as a Chemical Engineer to help keep the troops healthy solving problems with sanitation issues.  He loved photography and created a slide set of photos detailing his arrival home after the war.  His correspondence letters to his beloved Ruth also detail the days he spent in the war.  Shortly after his arrival home Ruth and Len were married on June 28, 1953 in New Jersey.

 It will be almost twenty years when my father in law announced to us he and Ruth were moving away from their home in Columbus, Ohio to Boynton Beach, Florida to retire. After working as a chemical engineer and inventor with some successes.  My father in law decided to join my mother in law as a Realtor, a field she had switched into after her thirty years as a teacher.  Together they opened up a real estate agency called "Rood Realty".  This gave the two of them an opportunity to work together and by doing that my father in law was able to raise enough cash to finally retire. This was his dream and not necessarily hers, but so excited was he that this time in their lives had finally come, Ruth agreed to join him.  It worked out well for them for the first ten years they were healthy, my mother in law was in remission from her cancer, Non-Hodgins Lymphoma, and they had money from retirement and the sale of the home in Columbus.  The neighborhood was brand new and, Len's personality was more outgoing and  they enjoyed meeting new friends, reconnecting with family and socializing as they had not done in a long time.

My mother in law, Ruth, had lived with cancer for 27 years and passed away in 2011.  I know she was frustrated as she saw Len and the oncoming dementia.  She tried to communicate this to her sons, but they were not listening.  Not because they did not care, but because eventually dementia makes itself known and everyone has to pay attention.  In the early days of the disease, dementia quietly sneaks up on families so that by the time one figures out what is wrong, it is too late to prevent, but only keep comfortable.  I believe my mother in law saw the early changes, and did not have the physical strength to do anything about it.  I always felt my father in law was lucky with his version of the illness, in that, he could walk and talk, be social and pleasant. In fact, I sometimes felt, he was easier to be around and less confrontational than when he was healthy, but frustrated with work or an experiment he was currently working on. Just before my mother in law passed away we moved them both into an assisted living facility in Florida.  We knew Ruth hated it there and within six months, coincident or not, she passed away.  Len met other widowed women to socialize with and share company for dinner.. He seemed to get along okay in his widower-hood and so as family we took comfort in the fact that he was okay and thus our visits were less frequent than when my mother in law was alive.

The last week of life.....

The girls and I arrived in Florida first and went straight to the hospital to see Len whom we were told was in intensive care.  The hospital he was taken to the week before was JFK Medical Center in Atlantis, Florida.  This is the closest medical center, to Cresthaven East, the assisted living home where he lived. Mark, joined us that evening and the rest of the family arrived the next day as the weather delayed flights from the north down to Florida.  When we saw Len at the hospital he looked like he was sleeping.  We sat nearby and told stories of better days.  At this point all medical availability was being utilized.  He had lines for food and medicine and oxygen to keep him pink and alive,

  We we told, quite too late, that Len had not received enough oxygen after his heart failed in the ambulance and so all these heroics were useless as eventually decisions had to be made to disengage my father in law from life giving help.  The choice of when to leave the living, of course, was up to him. The exact minute between life and death seems important to some and I wonder if the person leaving this world gets a vote as to who gets to witness.  I am guessing  that if a person has had a loving relationship with someone in the real world then there might be few regrets if you are not present for the exact moment of leaving.  If on the other hand, there were things or thoughts left unsaid, emotional leftovers might get in the way of  moving on with life. In our case I feel we shared time with Len enough over the years, so that aside from bringing him back to Ohio, we did all we could do in a reasonable way.

  A few things happened right before we said goodbye for the last time that I think were odd and could be argued in favor of signals from the other side that it is you time.  I will lay out the case and you decide for yourselves.  First, in the winter when we visited Len he kept asking to north with us because he believed he was being kicked out of the assisted living facility.  We believed him at first and checked with the staff and they reassured us that nothing was going to happen, but when we came back to collect his things we learned that the facility had major staff turnover and that perhaps there might have been talk of closing down for a brief moment.  We will never know for sure.

Usually the assistant living facility neglects to inform the family when my father in law is admitted to the hospital and we find out from the hospital.  This time the assisted living facility lets us know but the hospital does not.  Since we are never informed as to the condition of Len at every turn, and only find out when we call, even though the hospital has Mark's number we are shocked to find out how serious the heart event actually was and that with two sons as physicians there is nothing we can do about it.  This makes a profound impression on Mark, a family physician, who spends his days saving people's lives.

The family is upset and disappointed at how JFK Medical Center handled the admission and follow up of my father in law Leonard Rood.  They, as an institution, should be ashamed of themselves.  We tried to recover Len's belongings and were told they could not be found.
The hospital administrator has confirmed that all of my father in laws property when initially admitted into the hospital from the Emergency Department; his clothing, wallet and wedding ring are lost and cannot be recovered.  They have informed us that they are closing his case.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Blood is Life

     As a registered dietitian for thirty years I have had plenty of conversations about what is the proper food to eat to stay alive in a healthy way.  I have studied and read scientific papers and heard from notable experts about their opinion on what is exactly the specific things we should and should not be eating. It occurs to me, however, that there is no answer that satisfies everyone.  Most likely, there probably never was a good answer. After a personal illness that landed me in the intensive care unit twenty two years ago, I began to look for answers from a spiritual nature.  I studied the Bible via the Jewish religion, the Torah, and learned about the Ancient Tribes and what motivated them to pursue their cultural traditions. I am no rabbinical scholar but I see the word of God discussed in Genesis and other chapters in a different light based on my experiences with food, nutrition and the behavior of people.
      God distinguishes Adam and Eve from the other animals and plants as mentioned in the early passages of Genesis. I got a chance to explore this in more detail, recently, when a visiting scholar came to our local college and offered a discussion on the origins of Kosher and Halal,, the set of laws determined by God to educate the tribal populations on how to decide what to eat, with respect to the other things being made during Creation.  It was pointed out that Adam and Eve were vegetarians in the Garden of Eden. It was only until after the flood was man able to eat other animals and then never the blood.  In fact the first food restriction ever is blood.  My fellow classmates were professionals of all types including Rabbis and Imams who offered their own interpretations based on their own experiences.  I also enjoyed seeing a few friends from the Muslim community with whom I had shared other classes and they offered wonderful interpretations of  Halal and how many similarities there are between Halal and Kashrut (Kosher).
     This was a really wonderful discussion and an observation I thought of afterward about blood is that medically blood is life.  Its purpose in the body is to circulate oxygen, nutrients and proteins and bring back toxins, urine and refuse which keeps the body healthy. If we could just celebrate the good in life it would be easy, but historically and spiritually, there is evil to balance the good.  In the case of blood throughout history, particularly evident in the 11th Century during the First Crusade, there were Blood Libels or accusations of a horrible nature that caused much death and destruction to Jews of that time.  Throughout history these unproven accusations were added to such that by the 1930's and 1940's a Holocaust, also known as Shoah, claimed the lives of 6 million Jews and other citizens across the European continent.  Even today as we remember the twentieth anniversary of Rwanda, the evil side of blood still raises its ugly, uneducated head in places like Eastern Ukraine and parts of Africa.
     I heard three pieces of bad news yesterday from unrelated sources.  Some affecting friends and others listening to the news.  I felt helpless to ease the pain except to try to do good in my own small way locally in my community to balance with good thoughts or action against the negative news.  I personally believe in the concept of Mitzvot, doing good deeds, to help sway the world to a better place.

Passover 2014: My reliable go to diet for the summer!

Passover 2014: My reliable go to diet for the summer!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

January 2014 New Health Care Law Leads to a Healthier You

     My daughter reminds me that today is the first day the Affordable Care Act and millions of people who have not been able to get health insurance can now go see a doctor. Yay! Can we have a moment to acknowledge this victory before the complainers from all corners come out to rehash their trouble with the law.  I have a relative who waited four years and suffers, with now most likely irreparable nerve damage, because she could not get the treatment she needed before this law was enacted.
      Millions of others have similar stories that, unfortunately, just do not matter to the those who never have to worry about health insurance coverage.  Until they lose their job or get divorced or come down with a catastrophic illness and then the shoe is on the other foot.  The "them versus us" thought process is very much alive when thinking about providing health care for all.  Even when "us becomes them" we are not a very generous group.  I have been reading a book entitled "Less than Human" written by David Livingstone Smith (2012 St Martin's Press) and in this book he looks into the fine details of how the alienation of peoples began.  It is a topic broad and deep and Smith discusses the overall history and philosophy of justifying dehumanization.  Smith also talks about the concept of genocide during war and sites examples past and present. It is a fascinating book and sad, but for me and this blog, puts into perspective the idea of the "great chain of being". That being the concept philosophical and religious thinkers thought of which link in ranking order essence of beings from the lowliest form of being all the way up to God.  It helped me place into a modern way of thinking all the hate I have been hearing surrounding the discussion of this new health care law we celebrate today.
     Where do people fit in along this chain and is it possible that some groups (tribes) have decided that they are higher up on the chain than others (perhaps the poor, women, people of color or homosexuals) which justifies to them bad or vicious behavior.  I think about this and it reminds me of the story in the Bible of the Tower of Babel.  Babel is Hebrew for the English word "confusion". In this story, which takes place between the stories of Noah's Ark and the flood and the Story of Abraham, the people of Babel all speak the same language and all believe that that they are as good as God and want to build a tower for themselves to be as high as God.  God sees this and changes the people so they cannot speak the same language and since they cannot speak to one another they disperse through out the world and the tower cannot be built.
      I understand that God was protecting his turf but in the confusion of not being able to communicate the people spend their energy competing with each other rather than competing with God.  Maybe that was God's purpose but it sure did not help his people learn to accept one another.  On the other hand if we accept one another unconditionally, then there may be no need for God and that might have been the plan, as well.  This theory does not work for those who do not believe in a higher power.  To them I suggest that if we all got along peacefully we would have nothing to complain about.  That may not be such a bad thing, either.  Whatever your belief system is I hope you stay healthy and enjoy your new freedom of health.  And if you can try to be nicer to your neighbor that wouldn't hurt either.  Happy New Year 2014!